Since our inception, we have strived to become the most modern and preferred brand in the transportation industry in Europe. Our goal is to revolutionize road transportation by investing in new technologies and involving exceptional people who are an integral part of our project. Today, there are more than 400 exceptional people working at Procem, although we were only a dozen at the very beginning.


We believe in building long-term relationships, which is why we appreciate every commitment to the development of our company. Our brand, Procem, not only offers the highest quality transportation services, but also creates a modern working environment with a close-knit international team. This is a place where innovative thinking and creativity are welcomed, and professionalism and passion are appreciated.


Join us and become part of our dynamic community. We are looking for talented individuals who share our commitment to excellence and innovation. We offer opportunities for professional development, training, and access to the latest technologies and tools to successfully achieve our goals.


Working with us is not just a job, it is also an opportunity to participate in creating the future of transportation. We believe in a creative approach and continuous improvement, so we open our doors to people who have the courage and desire to innovate.


If you are up for the challenge and want to be part of a team that is changing the face of the transportation industry, join us today. Together, we can achieve more and make an impact on the development of the industry. We look forward to meeting you!
Procem sp. z o.o.
00-517 Warsaw
80 MarszaƂkowska Street

e-mail: biuro@procem.pl
tel. PL: + 48 22 490 91 85
tel. DE: +49 15 77 339 10 65
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